

英漢字典: as it is

1. really;in reality事實上

    We hoped that things would get better,but as it is, they are getting worse. 我們本希望情況會好轉的,但是事實上,現在情況正在惡化。

    He seemed to be around fifty, but as it was, he was over sixty. 他看上去只有 50歲左右,但事實上他已經60多歲了。

    As it is, he is a noblehearted man with profound thinking. 事實上,他是一個心靈高尚,思想深刻的人。

2. without changes or improvements(used after the word it modifies)照原來的樣子(位于被修飾詞之後)

    Leave it as it is. 聽其自然。

    It's good enough as it is. 照現在這個樣子已經很不錯了。

    They agree to buy the house just as it is. 他們同意照房子原狀買下來。

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